The lovely Jannie from Vintage Window awarded me with the 'Liebster Blog Award'. Thank you so much ! I have to answer the 11 questions she made for the bloggers she awarded. These are the rules of the award :
Diesmal habe ich es nicht auf Deutsch übersetzt, weil es so viel ist und auch schwer, manche Fragen auf Deutsch zu übersetzen. Nur die 11 Fragen, weil einige Deutsche Bloggern dabei sind -Bitte verbessere die Rechtschreibfehler bevor Ihr es auf eurem Blog postet-. Wenn ihr aber Fragen habt, verfasse einfach einen Kommentar und ich antworte :).
1. Link and follow the blogger who awarded you
2. Blog about the award
3. Give the award to 5 other bloggers - preferably bloggers with less than 200 followers
4. Answer the 11 questions I asked you and create 11 questions to your 5 awarded bloggers
And now I'll answer the 11 questions Jennie made :
1. Have you ever had regrets about wearing vintage & said to yourself: "Enough is enough...!?"
- No, never. I'm even thinking of wearing vintage the rest of my life. It's good for the enviroment and good for me, as it makes me happy while wearing it.
2. What is the dearest vintage item in your possession?
- A pair of 1940s winter boots I bought in Amsterdam a while ago.
3. What do you do put under your shoes when they need new soles?
- New soles :). When the sole is only a bit broken, I try to fix it with contact glue. But when I see they need new soles, I take them to the cobbler right away to get them fixed. I've did the same with the shoes pictured above.
4. Are you the only one in your family, who wear or live vintage?
- Yes, unfortunately I am. But my family does like the fact that I wear vintage.
5. For how long did you wear or live vintage before starting to blog?
- Not so long, perhaps a few weeks. But I feel that the longer I know vintage, the better I want to dress more authentic than I did a year ago.
6. Many vintage lovers also seem to be cat lovers – are you fond of cats & if you are why?
- Oh, yes, I just love cats ! They are so cute and you can cuddle them. Unfortunately the black cat
(Banjer) I once blogged about, walked away and we never saw him again. But we still have his brother to keep us company :).
7. What season is the best & what is the worst for wearing vintage?
I think all the seaons are good, but in winter you can't wear nylons without freezing and finding vintagew winter shoes and coats is very hard. So I think winter can be the worst season if you can't find a good vintage coat or shoes if you want to look very authentic.
8. Do you make your own vintage style clothing & if you do, please show us some examples!
- I did sew some dresses some time ago, but I want to start all over with sewing and start with the very basics. I do sew my own seamed stockings and my mother made me a 1940s jacket with a pattern from my 'Goldene Schnitt'- book. But I'll blog about that very soon.
9. Have you ever persuaded anybody to start wearing vintage – if your have, what was your best argument?
- No, unfortuantely not. Not yet :)
10. Does wearing or living vintage also affect the way you speak?
- Ofcourse it does. I often speak with two words, greet people on the street and such. I don't even have to pay attention to it, it just happens.
11. Could you tell us either a joke or a riddle about the vintage lifestyle?
- No, I don't know any jokes or riddles.But please tell me if you know one :).
Now I'll choose 5 other bloggers to pass the award on :
1. Erika at Fun with vintage
2. Swingingcat at Beswingtes Allerlei (a very nice German vintage blog)
3. Presley at Young Vintage Girl
4. Eleanor at Victory Rolls and Roses
5. Luna at Vintage Tagebuch (both English and German)
Here are the 11 questions you have to answer :
1. How did you discover vintage clothing ?
Wie hast du Vintage entdeckt ?
2. If you could only take one vintage item you own to an abandoned island, what would it be ?
Wenn du nur ein Ding (was vintage ist) nach einem Insel mitnehmen könntest, was würde es dann sein ?
3. Is there a lot of vintage in the city where you live ?
Gibt es viel vintage wo du wohnst ?
4. Did you discover new hobbies or interests after you discovered vintage ?
Hast du neue Hobby's oder Interessen entdeckt nachdem du Vintage entdeckt hast ?
5. For how long have you been wearing vintage ?
Wie lange trägst du schon Vintage Kleidung ?
6. Are you sometimes afraid ripping seams in old clothing or broken soles of shoes becaus of their age ?
Hast du manchmal Angst das durch das Tragen Vintage Kleidung kaputt geht ? Denke an aufgerissene Nähte bei Kleider oder an Sohlen bei Schuhe.
7. Have you ever worn seamed stockings in winter (despite the temperature) because you thought they were more vintage/prettier than thights ?
Hast du schon Mal im Winter Nylons getragen weil du die schöner fand als Strumpfhosen, obwohl es kalt war ?
8. Do you also adapt vintage to your daily life ?
Verarbeitest du im Alltag noch mehr vintage als nur die Kleidung ?
9. Who is your vintage fashion icon and why ?
Wer is deinen Vorbild wenn es um Vintage Mode geht und weshalb ?
10.Do you have any pets?
Hast du Haustiere ?
11. Why did you start blogging ?
Wann hast du angefangen zu Bloggen ?
Thank you again for awarding me Jannie :).
With Love, Jip.